Our courts are called an adversary system for a reason, disagreements are resolved by legal battles between sides in front of a judge or sometimes a jury, who makes the decision. When there is a fundamental disagreement and the other side will not compromise, it is appropriate to fight it out in court. Court fights are draining, not only financially, but emotionally as well, taking months, sometimes years, and costing thousands, sometimes even tens of thousands of dollars.
Avoiding these fights whenever you can, will be good for your mental health and your bank account. In the years that I have done this work I have seen how conflicts drag people down, how people cannot let grievances go, they let their emotions drag them into a conflict with no possible good outcome. No matter how bad your ex-spouse or business partner has been, the sooner you move on the better, even if the means compromising to avoid a fight, a battle avoided is a battle won.