Anyone now welcome for appointments!

Regardless of your situation, we have many appointment options available. Remote appointments are available for anyone. If you prefer a remote appointment, we are happy to assist you by telephone, zoom, skype, or any other online option that works for you.

Office appointments are available for anyone. Unvaccinated individuals coming into the office for an appointment, will be required to wear a mask.

Staff are wearing masks when outside of personal work space. If you would like an outside appointment, we are happy to accommodate. We are here for you and want you to be comfortable.

Inside appointments now available for all. Covid safety protocols are in place and all office staff are vaccinated.
Ed Shaw Law No Nonsense Legal Advice

Local Solutions For Local Problems

3 reasons why police may make a DWI stop

On Behalf of | Jul 20, 2021 | Criminal Defense, Criminal Law |

A police offer cannot pull you over and detain you without a reason. But a law enforcement official can stop you and pull you over if he or she believes your driving behavior is due to alcohol consumption.

According to the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, it is illegal to operate a vehicle with a blood alcohol concentration level at or above 0.08%. You may face penalties for DWI if law enforcement pulls you over for one of the following reasons and arrests you for drunk driving.

1. Driving slower than traffic

It is against the law to drive faster than the speed limit. But law enforcement may suspect that you have exceeded the legal BAC limit if you drive slower than the speed limit or at a rate slower than surrounding traffic.

2. Erratic driving

If you drive erratically, a law enforcement official may pull you over on suspicion of drunk driving. Examples of erratic driving include a delayed response to traffic signals and swerving in and out of your lane.

3. Failure to follow traffic signals

Failing to follow traffic signals is against the law and another reason law enforcement may pull you over for DWI. For instance, if you make several illegal turns or do not follow stoplights as you drive, law enforcement may suspect inebriation.

If a law enforcement officer stops you for breaking a traffic law, he or she may look for signs of impairment. These include slurred speech, red, watery eyes, the smell of alcohol and inconsistent stories about where you are driving to or coming from.


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