Anyone now welcome for appointments!

Regardless of your situation, we have many appointment options available. Remote appointments are available for anyone. If you prefer a remote appointment, we are happy to assist you by telephone, zoom, skype, or any other online option that works for you.

Office appointments are available for anyone. Unvaccinated individuals coming into the office for an appointment, will be required to wear a mask.

Staff are wearing masks when outside of personal work space. If you would like an outside appointment, we are happy to accommodate. We are here for you and want you to be comfortable.

Inside appointments now available for all. Covid safety protocols are in place and all office staff are vaccinated.
Ed Shaw Law No Nonsense Legal Advice

Local Solutions For Local Problems


On Behalf of | May 12, 2020 | Firm News |

People are starting to wonder about when business will re-open and when life will return to close to normal.  Those of us within the legal system are asking when the courts will return to a semi normal schedule.  Thousands of people across the state have their cases put on indefinite hold, not knowing when they will be able to move on with their lives.  This Monday, I will have my first in person court hearing in two months.  I am usually in court several times a week, it is strange to be out of the courthouse for this long.  Just because courthouses have been closed does not mean there has been no legal work to do, we have been plenty busy filing cases, mediating, doing everything but the in court work.  I do hope that the courts can find a way to get the hearings handled by phone or video if not in person.  Too many people, including many of my clients have had their lives on hold for too long.



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