Anyone now welcome for appointments!

Regardless of your situation, we have many appointment options available. Remote appointments are available for anyone. If you prefer a remote appointment, we are happy to assist you by telephone, zoom, skype, or any other online option that works for you.

Office appointments are available for anyone. Unvaccinated individuals coming into the office for an appointment, will be required to wear a mask.

Staff are wearing masks when outside of personal work space. If you would like an outside appointment, we are happy to accommodate. We are here for you and want you to be comfortable.

Inside appointments now available for all. Covid safety protocols are in place and all office staff are vaccinated.
Ed Shaw Law No Nonsense Legal Advice

Local Solutions For Local Problems

Outdoor Time!

On Behalf of | Jun 9, 2022 | Firm News |

This post will not say anything about the law, or the legal business, need to take a break from that once in a while.

Last Saturday, the Tour of Lakes, bike ride was run here in Brainerd. It is one of hundreds of amateur sporting events all over the upper Midwest every summer. Our tour is a non-competitive bike ride with rest stops where riders can get food and use bathrooms. The food is great and full course support is offered. If your bike breaks down or you cannot finish for any reason, we will pick you up.

I was the lead organizer this year. I had help from many fellow members of our local bike club, the Paul Bunyan Cyclists. There are many other bike rides like the tour and races where you can really go all out, along with ultra-long-distance events, running races, triathlons, canoe, and kayak events, you name it. Work can be demanding, and we are all busy, but, if at all possible, take some time during our short summers to get out, participate in an event or help out running on. It is a terrific way to have family time. My kids really enjoyed being event helpers.

Have some fun outside, take a break for a few hours from your work, your legal issues, and the demands of life. You will be glad you did.



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