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Who has to pay spousal support in Minnesota?

On Behalf of | Mar 25, 2021 | Divorce |

Minnesota courts do not award spousal support every time that a couple dissolves a marriage. In fact, the circumstances in which someone has to pay support are somewhat limited.

Getting a little more information about spousal support awards will help people avoid unnecessary confusion. Here are some of the most important things that you should know about spousal support in Minnesota.

Courts evaluate individuals’ need

One of the first things that a court looks to in deciding whether to grant support is the standard of living during the marriage. However, courts will also closely consider if a person really needs support.

People who have the capacity to earn enough to establish a comparable standard of living themselves are unlikely to get an award. In contrast, people with limited earning capacity may be able to get a considerable award.

The duration of a marriage is relevant

How long a marriage lasts can affect whether people are eligible to receive support, and it could also affect how long they will receive it. A person leaving a marriage that was relatively short in duration is not likely to get an award for spousal support, or the support order may be for a very limited time. Couples that had a long marriage may have greater financial dependence on one another.

Ultimately, anyoneone who is contemplating a divorce in Minnesota should go into the process with realistic expectations and try to plan accordingly. It is extremely important for people to understand that they will not necessarily pay or receive spousal support after getting a divorce.


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