We were saddened to hear of the loss of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg. Her passing ends a career that overcame adversity which most of us cannot comprehend in order to become one of the 9 highest ranking judicial officers in the country. She grew up in the mid 20th century, a time when it was legal to discriminate against Jewish Americans like herself. Based solely on her religion, she could be kept out of jobs, professional schools, social clubs, neighborhoods. As if that was not bad enough, she could also be kept out of professional schools, including law school, and denied employment based on her being female, this was all perfectly legal at that time here in the USA. Despite this dual disadvantage, she persevered, working tirelessly to outlaw discrimination so that others would not have to struggle as she did because they were a certain race, religion, gender or sexual orientation. While we still have a long way to go, because of the efforts of her, and others like her, it is no longer legal to deny basic rights to Americans because they are in some way different than someone else. My daughter, who on her favorite Halloween dressed up as Justice Ginsberg in a real courtroom, thanks to help from retired Judge David Ten Eyck, can now talk about doing what her dad does for a living, thanks in large part to the work of Justice Ginsberg.
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