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Signs that a divorce is imminent

On Behalf of | Oct 14, 2019 | Divorce |

People in Minnesota may experience various conflicts and changes in their relationships. When people get married, they may intend to stay together for the rest of their lives. However, as people change and grow, they can find themselves at odds with their spouse. They may have conflicts over career or parenthood, or they may suffer issues with addiction, infidelity or even abuse. In other cases, they may simply find themselves growing in different directions, especially if they married at a younger age or experienced significant upheaval in their lives. There are some indicators that experts say reveal when couples are more likely to end their marriage.

Contempt is one issue cited as a common sign that divorce is in the future. For example, a spouse may not consider a partner at all in making decisions about major issues, like elective health procedures or a big career move. This can indicate that the spouses no longer see each other as an important factor in each other’s lives or that they do not have respect for the other person’s opinion. In other cases, contempt can be shown much more clearly, as when one spouse calls the other names, mocks them openly or speaks about them dismissively.

Arguments may accumulate over time, and spouses may find themselves completely unable to understand each other’s perspective. They may lose empathy and tender feelings for one another. Indeed, by the end, many couples who choose to divorce find the thought of no longer being together to be a relief.

While there are many different factors that can motivate people to seek a divorce, there are also major legal and financial consequences that can accompany that decision. A family law attorney may help a divorcing spouse to seek a fair settlement on matters like property division and spousal support.


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