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Ed Shaw Law No Nonsense Legal Advice

Local Solutions For Local Problems

50/50 Custody

On Behalf of | Jul 16, 2019 | Custody |

The biblical figure King Solomon was the judge in a dispute between two women who wanted one baby. The king told them, “split the baby in half’, each mother will get an equal share.” One mother cried out that she would rather the baby be given to the other woman than spilt. The king granted her the baby because she was the true mother. Judges in custody disputes today are required to use the standard of ‘the best interest of the child’, and not necessarily what is equal or fair for the parents, to make custody determinations. while an equal split sounds fair, and often is fair, it is not always possible. When parents live long distances apart I often hear requests for 50-50 equal time custody. In many cases equal time is a good way to go, lets both parents have a major part in their children’s lives. But, when they live in separate communities and school districts, it just will not work. The children have to go to one school or another. They can spend the summer with the other parent, but, even then, it will still not be close to equal time. 


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