Anyone now welcome for appointments!

Regardless of your situation, we have many appointment options available. Remote appointments are available for anyone. If you prefer a remote appointment, we are happy to assist you by telephone, zoom, skype, or any other online option that works for you.

Office appointments are available for anyone. Unvaccinated individuals coming into the office for an appointment, will be required to wear a mask.

Staff are wearing masks when outside of personal work space. If you would like an outside appointment, we are happy to accommodate. We are here for you and want you to be comfortable.

Inside appointments now available for all. Covid safety protocols are in place and all office staff are vaccinated.
Ed Shaw Law No Nonsense Legal Advice

Local Solutions For Local Problems

Who Files Bankruptcy?

On Behalf of | Oct 12, 2017 | Bankruptcy |

Your creditors would like you to believe that only losers file for bankruptcy, people who are irresponsible and do not pay their bills. While bad financial choices certainly figure into some bankruptcies, most people in this economy have very little margin for error, or misfortune. Most of us are one major illness, job loss, or injury away from bankruptcy. Most of my bankruptcy clients filed for one of these reasons. Bankruptcy is just about the only area of the law where regular people can get a small advantage over the financial services industry, that is why they want you to think that only bad people file.


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